Mindfulness Mentoring

Getting started with mindfulness is one thing; keeping it up is another. Many people have taken the first step with mindfulness—taking a course, learning to practice, and seeing the benefits. But then something happens. The course ends, life gets busy, and somehow mindfulness drops away.

When this happens, it’s easy to feel like a failure, as if it’s your fault that you can’t keep this up. It’s not your fault. We all need support to keep learning and growing. Part of that support can come from someone who has made the same journey as you. Someone who can offer guidance that’s tailored to your needs at this time.

Mindfulness Mentoring provides one-to-one support for your mindfulness practice. Our sessions will be guided by what’s most relevant to you—what you are struggling with and what you most deeply want. You can learn the underlying principles of mindfulness, enabling you to guide yourself. This way, you can begin to approach practice as a joy rather than a chore.

If you have any questions about this, feel free to send me an email.

You can also go ahead and arrange a free, no-pressure conversation to see if this is a good fit for you. No sales pitch, just an open conversation to explore if this is right for you.

How this works

Mindfulness Mentoring provides:

  • A supportive space to learn new things.

  • Guidance that’s tailored for you.

  • Time to reflect on what comes up for you.

  • Help with integrating this into your life.

Sessions happen over Zoom and include periods of guided meditation, feedback on your experiences, and targeted teaching based on your needs. The meditations are recorded so you can use them as a resource for practicing on your own. Sessions last 60 minutes and cost £75.00 each.

How often we meet is guided by what you need and want at this time. The process starts with a free, no-pressure call, where we can meet, explore your needs and goals, and outline how we might work together.

Who is this for?

You’re struggling with difficult feelings. Anxiety, depression, rage, meaninglessness. How do you navigate all this in a helpful way that doesn’t become overwhelming?

You’re finding it hard to integrate mindfulness into your life. It’s one thing to find clarity, calm and care when you are practising meditation. But how do you bring this to your work, your relationships and the world around you?

You’re ready to go a little deeper. Getting sidetracked and stuck isn’t a mistake; it’s simply another phase of learning. Together, we can explore what’s going on and find new ways forward.

Who is this not for?

You prefer to work in a group. Mindfulness Mentoring is all about offering one-to-one, tailored support. Learning in a group is good too; it’s just different. If you want to learn in a group, let me know, and I can point you in the right direction.

You’re looking for therapy. Learning mindfulness is about acquiring new skills; it’s not therapy. Mindfulness works nicely alongside psychotherapy and other mental health services but it doesn’t replace them.

You’re looking for a quick fix. With mindfulness, you can see benefits quite quickly, but it takes time to learn and apply in the reality of your life.

If you’re not sure about this, why not schedule a conversation and we can discuss it? I’d love to hear from you.