Learning together is better

Ask Alex

Navigating emotional health and well-being can be a minefield.

These sessions provide a chance to meet with me in a group setting to ask any questions you have about emotional health, well-being, mindfulness, meditation, or anything else really (I’m the first to admit when I don’t know something so…

There’s no charge for these.

They take place on the first Monday of every month, from 7.00pm to 8.00pm (UK time) on Zoom.

Sign up up below I’ll send you a Zoom link.

About Alex

I've been practising mindfulness for over 20 years and teaching it for over 10.

For many years, connecting with other people was the part I paid the least attention to. I just wanted to sit around with my eyes closed. That was a mistake. We need other people. They help us make sense of things and, when the conditions are right, they help us feel safe.

Everything I do now involves connecting with other people. These sessions are an example of this.

You can find out more about me here.