How do you find stillness?

We all want stillness.

Some space, rest and ease.

Meditation is supposed to give you that, but it doesn’t always go that way.

Knowing exactly how meditation works can help you with this.

You only have to sit still for a few seconds to realise that things are anything but still.

Your mind is moving all over the place. Planning, commenting, judging. It seems to never run out of things to think about.

Your heart is active too. Not just your beating heart but your emotional heart. Feeling sad, angry, joyful, fearful.

Not to mention your body, twitching, throbbing and pulsing away.

And all of this is happening in a world where everything is shifting around you, on a planet spinning in space as it hurtles around the sun.

How do you find stillness with all of this happening?

With meditation, you have two options, one direct and the other indirect.

  1. With the direct option, you find something that isn’t moving and tune into that. Practices of recognising and resting with awareness are good for this.

  2. With the indirect option, you connect what’s moving to a wider sense of space. As you do this things begin to unwind and settle down.

Fancy having a go with either of these?

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Forget being present - be yourself instead


Lovely and scary