Lovely and scary

Finding space can be lovely. 

Like stepping into a clearing in the woods, no longer tangled up in the undergrowth. 

Quite naturally we breathe out, drop our shoulders and smile. 


Space can be useful too. Helping us to see things clearly and to move in ways that are useful and satisfying. 

We can find space in our surroundings but we also can find it inside ourselves. 

Within our bodies, minds and hearts, we can find space so that we feel at ease and find a sense of flow. Practices like mindfulness are great for this. 


But space can also be scary. 

As we open up it allows what we have ignored or hidden to show itself.  

And even if we sense that this is a way to heal, we may resist. We may not know how to open up to what we have held at bay for so long. 

Opening to what's scary takes courage. 

It also takes a kind of wise know-how. 

Knowing when we have reached our limits. 

Knowing how to take care of ourselves at those times. 

And knowing what supports us to be ok as we explore this. 

If you have ever tried to find space inside yourself and found it scary, don’t despair. You’re not alone. 

And don’t give up. There is a way of doing this that makes sense and feels safe and satisfying. 


How do you find stillness?


Don’t go it alone