Meditation schmeditation

Just before Christmas…

At this time of year, I’m less inclined to meditate.

Whether it's travelling and seeing family.

Or enjoying a glass or two more of wine or whisky than usual.

Or being struck down by the flu (as I am at the moment).

Whatever the reason, meditation often takes a back seat.

I used to feel bad about this.

As if I was slacking in some way.

These days I see things differently.

I remember that mindfulness is about clarity, calm and kindness.

And I can see things clearly without meditating. I can notice when certain thoughts and feelings have me in their grip.

I can also calm myself down when I need to. I can take a few breaths, go for a walk or do anything else that helps to calm my nervous system.

And I can find ways to bring kindness into the equation. To be open-minded and open-hearted. To do whatever is helpful in any situation.

This is not to knock meditation.

It can be very helpful.

But it's easy to forget what this mindfulness business is all about.

Which is to live in a way that supports healing and flourishing.

For yourself and for others.

So if you feel like meditating at the moment, go for it.

Like so many things we can do, meditation can nourish body, mind and heart.

Something we all need a bit of.

And if you don't feel like meditating, perhaps you can bring clarity, calm and kindness into your day anyway.

Want to find out more? Feel free to send me an email or schedule a free conversation about mindfulness coaching.




The Magic of Mastery