When learning fits

When something fits, it's like you belong together.

You feel like you're in the right place.

You don't have to think about it too much.

You just feel it.

It's like trying on new clothes.

If you want to check how they fit, a mirror isn’t so helpful.

Because what you see distracts you from how you feel.

And fit is all about feel.

(How things look is another matter, then a mirror is great).

When was the last time a learning experience felt like a good fit for you?

Like you belonged in that new space, with all your hopes and fears.

So often learning takes a one-size-fits-all approach.

The shape is set and either you fit in or you don’t.

For some things, this works ok, but for matters of the heart, it can be frustrating.

Because we are all different.

We think differently.

We feel differently.

We need different things.

And so we find ourselves squeezed into spaces and hemmed in by rigid procedures.

Or lost without enough support, anxious without the feedback we need.

At best this is a waste of time.

At worst, we end up more anxious and stressed than when we started.

Sadly, because most education is about fitting into a system, many of us don't even know that learning can be a good fit.

This can put off learning altogether as if there is something wrong with us.

But learning is a basic human ability.

Since the day you were born, you have been learning.

That capacity is waiting inside you.

And learning can be shaped to fit you.

Then it can be enjoyable and satisfying.

And most importantly, you can get where you want learning to take you.

Want to find out more?

Feel free to send me an email or schedule a free conversation about mindfulness coaching.


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