Making friends with your mind

Are you on good terms with your mind?

Is your mind on good terms with you?

At first glance it seems so obvious that our thoughts are a reflection of who we are and how the world is. 

So when we hear that inner voice telling us we're an idiot, it's easy to take it at face value. 

Or when we keep obsessing about something, we might get into a fight with our mind, trying to stop the endless thoughts from driving us crazy. 

Either way, it's easy to have a somewhat adversarial relationship with your mind. 

You against it. 

It against you. 

All this can be exhausting and stressful. 

But what about making friends with your mind?

Listening to that critical voice with a kind ear. 

Seeing that spiral of thoughts with a patient eye. 

It turns out that meeting our mind with kindness helps us to be less caught up in the swirling, sticky thoughts. 

And that helps us to calm down. 

Then we can see things clearly. 

And we can choose whether to think about something or to do something else.


Focus & Kindness


What lies beneath?